Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Good or Bad?

A good question today that many people who have no clue what global warming is ask this question "Is global warming good or bad?" I think it is bad. Many scientists would agree with me. Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent decades, and its projected continuation. Global warming will go on for hundreds of thousands of years after mine, yours and your neighbors death. Scientists estimate that one day the world will be under water. Tide gauge measurements suggest that sea level has risen worldwide approximately 6-8 inches (15-20 cm) during the last century. This makes floods very capable of happening. This is cause by warmer ocean temperatures in most areas around the world this is causing the glaciers to melt in places like Alaska, Antarctica, and many other places around the world. Global warming is some what like the opposite of the Ice Age.


Mr. Stanley said...

Alex- It is true that there are people that believe global warming is a natural process in the world. What causes global warming? Is this a natural process? What is happening to make this process worse? Can we do anything about this? Think about it.

Mark M said...

Alex, there probably isn't enough water in the polar ice caps to cover the whole world in water if the ice all melted, but it could cause serious flooding of coastal areas. This would be very disasterous, even if the whole world weren't flooded, because so many people live along the coasts of the world.
